Duckie presents
Princess: The Promenade Performance
Time Travel of the Imagination
Princess is a promenade theatre show where audiences travel around the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens and encounter an inter-connected programme of ten distinctive performance installations that reveal the social archaeology of queer underground Georgian London
This 300-year-old survival guide uncovers the indigenous and imported secret subversive subcultures of the time: the molly houses and the macaronis, the she-husbands and the subversive spinsters, the human zoos and the homo-spielers – against the bescumberous backdrop of the British Empire
Starring Not Your Circus Dog, Dickie Beau, Ursula Martinez, George Chakravarthi, Harold Offeh, Krishna Istha, Bird la Bird, Ronald Samm, Neil Bartlett, Francois Testory, Kate Conway, D’relle West, Elsabet Yonas, Zed Gregory, Zia X, Elijah W Harris, Tamir Amar Pettet, Pilar Bono, Delle Williams and EJ Scott
Co-starring Rene Eyre, Claud Palazzo, Auntie Maureen, Mariana Feijo, Serge Rizzler, Brooke Palmieri, Megan Key, Ignacio Vazquez, Felix Wilks, Zorian Clayton, Dawn Hoskin, Amal Kebaïer, Flannán Delaney, Donald Hutera, Carly Halse, Mallika Joy, Martin Forrest, Bobbie Cranney, Justin South, Frankie Thompson, Annie Finn, Jay Yule, Alice Colley, Hannah Lane, Emily Martin, Christina OS, Aphrodite the 1st, Paul Coombs, Lewis Sharp, Adam Parkinson & Lady Helena Vortex
Featuring Marisa Carnesky’s street gangs: the spitters, the scratchers, the flashers and the slashers
Staged for five nights only, this special tour visits the church, the courtyard, the pub, the park, the railway arch, the architects, the community centre, the horses paddock, the back of a truck and the hole in the wall
Monday 6th - Friday 10th September
Show starts at 7.30pm
Running time 140 minutes
Meeting Place: Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, London, SE11, Vauxhall Tube 1 minute
Bonnets are permitted
Tickets: Twenty English Pounds
BSL Interpreted Performance on Thursday 9th September at 7.30pm
Funded by Arts Council England & Heritage Lottery Fund