Readers Wifes Sausage Jockeys

Readers Wifes have been Duckie's jockeys-in-residence since we began 26 years ago.  Please note they are not real women.

Azara Meghie Stud + Host

Azara is a Stud, a Face & the Host of the Saturday clubnight in Vauxhall and The Posh Club in Hackney.  She has been working with Duckie since she was sweet six-teen. Motto:  Show your Face at the Ace.

E-J Scott

E-J Scott Queer Heritage Researcher

E-J is Duckie's heritage researcher and archivist focussing on queer British history. Digging deep into our secret past, he curates shows about old bentertainment - and vintage molly, lez, bi and trans culture - and follows David Hoyle's old maxim to a tee, 'Don't go to the gym, go to the library!' 

Ben Walters Brainbox

Ben Walters is brainy and wears glasses.  He completed his PhD with Queen Mary University on Duckie in the Community (2014 - 2019). He's a boffin, a scribe and a curator ... and don't you think he looks a bit like Dicky?

Kayza Rose Producer & Changemaker

Arts producer, activist and brains behind #DuckieFamily, Kayza is also a big cheese at UK Black Pride.  She was our Arts Council Changemaker for 18 months from Sept 2016 - March 2018, advises on Duckie QTIPOC Creatives and is soon to launch Family Dinner, an occasional Sunday self care, food, arts and mental health shindig for QTIPOC folk

Lisa Lee

Lisa Lee Associate Artist

Central midfielder Lisa Lee is the only working class person who still works in the arts in London, unless you count Yootha Joyce, but she's dead. Leader of The Lipsinkers, director, programmer, performer and all round renaissance woman

Cha Cha Cha

Natacha Poledica Stage Manager

Cha Cha Cha est le français, comprenez vous?

Rhys's Piece's

Rhys's Pieces Associate Artist

This London girl fronts The Posh Club in Elephant & Castle, is one of The Lipsinkers and makes messy energising performances all over town.

Annie Bowden Manager & Co-Founder, The Posh Club

Annie is the powerhouse behind The Posh Club, and runs the original Crawley club like a military operation.  She's the compére, the cook, the confidante, the community culture-maker and the kingpin.

Lucille Power

Lucille Power Associate Artist

Some people say that Lucille Power is a little bit common. She likes birds, plates of sandwiches, fake penises and drag.  She has made tons of group works for Duckie going back donkeys and no-one else is allowed to have her.

Miss High Leg Kick

Miss High Leg Kick Associate Artist

She has the longest legs in the business.

Campbell X Curator & Board

Campbell X is a filmmeister who has penned and shot a few notable indie queer joints.  For Duckie, Campbell invents and consults and floats as a curator, a butterfly, a film programmer, a thinker & a Blackademic.

Laura Hopkins Associate Designer

Laura has designed many of the Duckie shows - Lullaby, The Class Club, Gateways & Gross Indecency.  She is posh but still very nice.

Mark Whitelaw Theatre Director

Mark has devised and directed almost all of Duckie's big theatrical shows - C'est Duckie, The Class Club, Copyright Christmas, et al. An elusive mensch, there are no photos of him in existence, so here is a pic from one of his shows Lullaby. Currently he runs The Slaughterhouse Club with the other bandits.

Ursula Martinez Associate Artist

Ursula is first and foremost a Beast.  She travels all around the world taking her clothes off, but she always comes home to Duckie.

Lasana Shabazz

Lasana Shabazz Associate Artist

Up-to-the-minute provocative performance who says loud and clear #blacklivesmatter.  Regular artist on many of our projects and former Artistic Director of Duckie QTIPOC Creatives.

Simon Casson Producer

He's armed with the Cockney Touch, a bag of combination therapy and suits like Paul Weller circa 1985. 

Dicky Eton Producer

Dicky is slim.  And bitches love him.

Niall Weir

Niall Weir Vicar in Residence

The Rev'd Niall Weir runs the brilliant St Paul's Church in Hackney where The Posh Club is based alongside other stuff like Open Doors, North London Action for the Homeless and the Nightshelter.  He is a Father and a Jazz Man.  

Bernd Fauler Production Manager

Bernd is a German.

Chardine Taylor-Stone

Chardine Taylor-Stone Consultant, QTIPOC Collective

When she's not touring the world beating the drums with her hugely successful Black punk outfit Big Joanie, this socialist firebrand is training to be a lawyer.  She doesn't actually do any work with Duckie, but she is cool so we have put her on here in order to feed off her credibility

Tracey Smith

Tracey Smith Ex - Posh Club Landlady

You know who literally is the dogs bollocks?  That Tracey Smith from Southend.

Coco Deville

Coco Deville Hostess, The Posh Club Brighton

Packing a punch, glamming it up and serving it to the older folks of Brighton as Hostess of The Posh Club, as well managing as her prolific burlesque career

Holly Revell Photographer

Holly used to be the house photographer for Duckie, but I don't know what happened to her to be honest.  Her epoch defining archive of early 21st Century London queer performance is now housed in the Bishopsgate Institute.  And here she is pictured with Mouse.

Zed Gregory Graphic Designer

Zed Gregory is responsible for all of the Duckie brand - graphics, online and in print - they sure wield a mean felt tip.  They also have a massive motorbike, so watch out girls.

David Hoyle Ex-Associate Artist

We still miss him *sniffs, wipes tear*

H Plewis Choreographer PC*DC

H and some of her dollies have been in a lot of Duckie shows over the years, but since becoming a Mum she just runs PC*DC (Posh Club Dance Club), Duckie's participative dance programme for older folks in Hackney, soon to be in it's seventh (count 'em) groundbreaking season.

Marisa Carnesky Associate Artist

Marisa Carnesky is a showwoman.  And a shaman. 

Marty Langthorne Lighting Designer

Marty Langthorne makes the Duckie stages look pretty with lights.

Robin Whitmore Associate Artist

Robin has been working alongside Duckie for as long as anyone can remember.  He thinks with his fingers.  He is a pervert and an iconoclast.

Scottee Associate Artist

This tubby munchkin thinks he's all that and a bag of chips since he ditched us on his way to stardom.

Suzie Hewlett Associate Artist

Sue Hewlett was a child star appearing on both The Paul Daniel's Magic show and Going Live (in the audience). 

Tim Spooner Associate Artist

Everyone loves Tim Spooner.  He sometimes makes things for Duckie - sets, installations, mental shows.

Frances Cloth

Frances Cloth Ex Doorwhore 1996 - 2018

Frances Cloth's quiff says it all: this bird means business. By the light of day you will find her in St Leonards on Sea doing shady deals shifting vintage gear, and on her night's off curled up on the sofa learning the ukelele.  After door-whoring for Duckie for over 2 decades, she retired in 2018, leaving the other Cloths to fend for themselves.

Father Cloth

Father Cloth Ex-Doorwhore 1995 - 2021

With Duckie since day one, Father Cloth was the debonair doorwhore, who donned the suits and manned the doors for the past 25 years with his partner in crime Jay Cloth.  Then he buggered off to a life of riley, but he still DJs his weird noise at Gay Shame.  Everyone fancies the Father, especialy lesbians

Jay Cloth Ex-Doorwhore 1995 - 2021

Part of the original gang of 6, this elusive masked-mensch worked for 25 years stamping hands every week. But then he got fed up with it.  In his proper life, he likes to stick things to paper in galleries and call it art.

Emmy Minton

Emmy Minton Ex-Staffer

Emmy used to be the Fundraising & Development Wallah, raising all the dosh for Duckie, but she left so we are skint now.

Amy Lamé Ex-Hostess

Amy Lamé was Duckie's co-founder and worked as the hostess of the club for 25 years, until she got poached by HRH Sadiq Khan to be the Night Czar of London

Duckie Board


Duckie is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee governed by a board of directors. The board are Phoebe Patey-Fergusson, Hemanth Rao, Janet Jones, Suzie Leighton, Campbell X and Tim Whitehead.